From beginner violinist to playing in a band | Student Stories: Jamie

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In this podcast episode, I’m sharing a conversation with my former student Jamie, who has been playing the violin for 3 years.

Violin has brought her some wonderful performance opportunities, and she shares advice for beginners.

We discuss how this beginner adult violin student:

  • Joined a band and performed a live show after playing violin for a few months

  • Fits practicing into her busy schedule as a full-time student who works part time

  • Stays inspired to practice and finds new tunes to learn

  • Her process to learning new tunes

  • Maintains your practice during life transitions

  • Found people to play music with as a beginning musician

  • Learned from her first public performance as a violinist

I hope that Jamie’s story will inspire you to seek out your own playing opportunities, even if you’ve only been playing for a few months.

More Student Stories

This is the 4th iteration of Student Stories, where my private violin students share their advice and experiences learning the violin. You can listen to the others here:

Advice from an adult violin student | Student stories: Julia

What learning violin as an adult is REALLY like | Student stories: Andres

Making time for violin practice as a busy person | Student stories: Olivia

If you’re interested in joining my private studio and take violin lessons, you can contact me here.


Creating a musical community: The key to growing as a violinist


A comprehensive guide to creating a violin scales routine